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BLACK FRIDAY: Amazon Fire Kids Pro 10"
BLACK FRIDAY: Amazon Fire Kids Pro 10"

Here's where you'll find all the latest news about technology for children. We love to follow cool new inventions on Kickstarter and we hunt out all the latest announcements about tech toys and gadgets for the coming Christmas holidays. You'll also get our take on children's technology stories in the media.
Our kids technology product reviews are intended to help you work out whether a toy, gadget or kit is a good fit for your child or family.
There's lots of cool stuff available, but is it the right choice for the child or teenager that you are buying for?
We'll help you make the right choices and get the best value for money.
GIFT GUIDES$show=/search/label/gift%20guide
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends assemble. We create gift lists to help you make good choices for kids technology which helps them develop the right skills for the future. We research the best in Coding Toys and Games, Making / Craft Tools and Kits, STEM/STEAM related gifts, Programmable Robots, Electronics Kits and Gadgets for Tech Age Kids and Teens.
Get crafty with technology. Here we'll post all our ideas and projects using technology to get creative and making with kids. You'll find anything from making a lemon battery to a glow-in-the-dark Minecraft sword. Our projects are tried and tested on our own kids or at events we run, so we are sure you can have a go at home with your kids. Some of our projects use specific tech gadgets which we provide links for you to purchase.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In recent years there is an increased focus in these areas of study. We like to include Art and Design too, so we often talk about STEAM (A stands for Art). At Tech Age Kids we believe Coding is a new literacy and children need to understand how technology works, practice making skills and grow in their curiosity to make a better future for us all.
Coding is increasingly being recognised as an important skill for children to learn. Some will learn to code at school or at a coding club, but it's brilliant if they get support at home too.
We think it's really important for kids to get hands-on with electronics and learn how to make circuits and write code to control hardware.
Younger kids can start with conductive playdough. For kids who like to combine craft and tech, littleBits are fab. And we love SAM Labs wireless electronics components for making it easy for kids to make Internet of Things inventions.
Lots of electronics kits for kids have support for the Arduino microprocessor environment. The DuinoKit Jr is one of our favourites. Arduino is a fab skill for older kids and teens to develop.
We love robots at Tech Age Kids, especially programmable ones. We've got lots of them and write reviews and projects that use them.
Our programmable robots for kids buying guide is a good place to start if you're not sure what's available.
Roby the mBot Meccano robot dog is one of our popular projects and has been with us to lots of events. Our Ozobot LEGO trailer is fab for kids who love LEGO and robots.
MAKING AND CRAFT$show=/search/label/making
We're advocates of the creative use of technology, but this needs to be balanced with developing physical skills such as papercraft, woodwork, clay modelling, technical drawing and soldering. If children don't develop these skills as they grow up then physical making projects can become frustrating rather than fun.
The Maker Community uses the term 'making' as a broad term to include all sorts of artisan skills or craft activities. Being able to make things can lead to life-long hobbies or even careers. It's a great feeling to be able to take a project from an idea in your head to a real object that does something.
We're particularly interested to explore products that combine maker skills with tech skills such as electronics but others focus purely on the physical making skills that are still important to modern making.
I've got completely sucked into Minecraft by my kids. It's interesting from lots of different perspectives but the one I'll focus on in this post is how powerful it is for developing computational thinking skills.
I've got a computer science PhD and very much think of myself as a Computer Scientist. Yes, I've written lots of code over the years, but I think of that as a small part of the skillset.
In this article we'll focus on how kids can develop computational thinking skills in Minecraft, that's vanilla Minecraft without any mods. Note that I'm not suggesting that you need to actively teach kids these skills, a few nudges in the right direction might be a good idea, but that curious kids will pretty much teach themselves.
There's lots of focus on teaching kids to code, which we fully support, but coding isn't the only skill you need to be a computer scientist or software engineer. You can develop some of the other skills through coding in languages such as Scratch, but I think having another tool available is very useful.
Minecraft is absolutely packed with opportunities to develop computational thinking skills - the set of skills that you need in order to reason about how computers behave and therefore be able to design systems for them. (It also happens to be a skillset that is very useful in everyday life.)
What is Computational Thinking?
"Computational thinking is a way humans solve problems; it is not trying to get humans to think like computers. Computers are dull and boring; humansare clever and imaginative. We humans make computers exciting. Equipped with computing devices, we use our cleverness to tackle problems we would not dare take on before the age of computing and build systems with functionality limited
only by our imaginations; " Jeanette M Wing
Computational thinking is not thinking like a computer. It does involve understanding how computers think. It's about having effective ways of thinking about systems.
Computational thinking involves topics such as logical thinking, abstraction, pattern identification, predicting, human computer interaction, hardware/software integration, algorithms and efficiency.
CAS Barefoot Computing have some useful computational thinking resources that explain the topic in the context of teaching children.
My route into computer science was via logical thinking more than programming. I enjoyed coding, but I loved logic puzzles. When I realised that logical thinking was central to computer science, I was in!
Minecraft happens to be a fantastic sandbox in which to explore computational thinking.
Decomposition, or breaking a big problem down into smaller parts that can each be solved more easily is crucial for computational thinking. Minecraft is fantastic at developing this skill.
Kids will learn how to break their big idea for an automatic Minecart fairground ride down into smaller parts. Often the work will be shared between multiple people with agreed connection points - another benefit of decomposition.
For example my 7 year old son decided he wanted to build a huge roller-coaster in our family survival (usually peaceful) world. He came up with a plan that includes:
For example my 7 year old son decided he wanted to build a huge roller-coaster in our family survival (usually peaceful) world. He came up with a plan that includes:
- Going on mining expeditions to find mineshafts and collecting minecarts and tracks.
- Finding sheep and shearing them to collect wool (which included crafting shears)
- Finding plants that give purple and magenta dyes
- Dying the wool in his chosen colours
- Storing collected items in a chest near the roller-coaster site until needed
- Planning and building the roller-coaster.
Minecraft is all about algorithms: the day-night cycle, the steps needed to craft items, the way tools work and break. Most kids won't be thinking in terms of algorithms but they'll be exposed to lots of algorithms and their game play is dependent on understanding them.In more advanced usage kids can configure the algorithm for a Villager (trader) by summoning them with custom buy / sell rules.
Redstone can be used to enact simple and complex algorithms that you can watch executing. I'm amazed with what my kids manage to come up with.
Command blocks allow coding algorithms to be taken even further in Minecraft. My nine year old regularly uses command blocks to test for conditions and perform actions.
Efficiency and Time
Efficiency is an important concept in computer science. It's often not enough just to have something that works correctly.
The concept of efficiency is very tangible in Minecraft when you are working with redstone. A more elegant solution will take up less physical space or be easier to understand when you come back to it later, or need to explain it on YouTube.
The concept of time and redstone ticks is also very clear in Minecraft. I think this will really help when kids need to understand how computers operate at a low level.
The concept of time and redstone ticks is also very clear in Minecraft. I think this will really help when kids need to understand how computers operate at a low level.
Abstraction and Pattern Matching
Abstractions allows us to focus on only relevant details and filter out specifics that are not relevant to the task in hand. There's lots of opportunity for this in Minecraft. Kids will be reasoning about how mobs behave and their similarities and differences, they will understand what makes an iron sword similar to a stone sword and what makes it different.Resource packs are great for helping kids understand patterns or templates. A resource pack replaces all the graphics and language in Minecraft with a different version - for example there's a Star Wars resource pack. Kids using a resource pack will use their pattern matching skills to work out that you get Ewoks instead of Pigs!
Logical Thinking
Minecraft in general is great for logical thinking, but redstone takes it to another level.
Redstone is a lot like electricity and you can power amazing contraptions in Minecraft by building redstone circuits.
Kids can build and chain logic gates and really explore logic in a very tangible way. There are lots of videos and tutorials available that will help kids learn.
My 9 year old explaining to my 7 year old that he would need to use a redstone torch as an inverter to get his piston door to work correctly was a recent highlight in our house. The 7 year ignored his big brother until he realised the problem for himself and then learned a new trick.
Hardware / Software Integration
A lot of modern computational thinking will involve reasoning about hardware as well as software. Redstone is also fantastic for this.Setting up redstone circuits in Minecraft is more like software/hardware integration that pure software development. Minecraft includes items such as doors and chests that are powered by redstone and items such buttons and levers that act as redstone inputs. Although these are virtual items, the reasoning is the same.
Minecraft has day/night sensor blocks and there are lots of physical triggers available. Command blocks allow interrogation of the current state of items which can then inform subsequent actions to create custom sensors.
There's plenty of scope to explore inputs and sensors and outputs and actuators.
(Yes there are also ways to get Minecraft to interface with actual physical hardware, but we'll cover that separately.)
Human-Computer Interaction
Minecraft is often played as a multi-player game, either locally or on a remote server. This means that there are other players around. I've found that this has really developed my kids understanding of 'users' of what they are building.
They don't just think about what will work for them, they might put up signs to explain things to others or put in some extra effort to make sure someone else can use what they've made.
It's common in the Minecraft community for players to build maps for others to experience. They might be adventures, stories or puzzles. This concept has definitely improved my kids ability to see things from the perspective of another player.
My kids often build stuff for me in Minecraft maps. They know I'm rubbish at parkour so they always make sure there's a route without any tricky jumps.
My 7 year old's roller-coaster has instruction signs including "Costs 5 emeralds to ride."
My kids often build stuff for me in Minecraft maps. They know I'm rubbish at parkour so they always make sure there's a route without any tricky jumps.
My 7 year old's roller-coaster has instruction signs including "Costs 5 emeralds to ride."
Debugging, Testing and Solution Evaluation
Debugging comes naturally when kids are building in Minecraft. They will continually try out what they're building and fix any bugs they encounter.
Being able to critically evaluate solutions is also important to computational thinking. This can be quite a contrived notion when kids are building something they won't use, but in Minecraft their solutions will get used repeatedly and often by others.
My kids often realise an error in their planning or testing and go back and fix it, or they build a 'version 2' of something that incorporates what they learned based on ongoing usage.
Solution evaluation in Minecraft is natural because kids are users of their own work - they "eat their own dog food". Testing just happens because if you redstone contraption doesn't actually let you into your treasure room then you're just going to have to fix it!
As I was making breakfast one morning I heard my son explain to his brother "I'm testing the roller-coaster with cows because they have the most life."
As I was making breakfast one morning I heard my son explain to his brother "I'm testing the roller-coaster with cows because they have the most life."
Tinkering, Collaborating, Creating and Persevering
Minecraft is of course fantastic at encouraging kids to create things. Tinkering is pretty much the way you learn things in Minecraft (other than YouTube videos.) Tinkering is very much encouraged and rewarded with logical consequeces. I accidentally clicked on a sheep with magenta dye instead of shears and the sheep changed colour and I could then shear it to get magenta wool. Awesome!
The multi player environment really encourages collaboration. We play on a family server and often work collaboratively. Usually with the kids in charge. My 7 year old gave me tasks to complete to help with his roller-coaster!
Perseverance comes easily in Minecraft as kids are so invested in the outcome. (Yes, some parents worry about their kids being obsessed with Minecraft.) I'm not sure whether this transfers outside Minecraft or whether kids just won't find other things engaging, but at least it teaches them what it feels like to persevere at something difficult.
The multi player environment really encourages collaboration. We play on a family server and often work collaboratively. Usually with the kids in charge. My 7 year old gave me tasks to complete to help with his roller-coaster!
Perseverance comes easily in Minecraft as kids are so invested in the outcome. (Yes, some parents worry about their kids being obsessed with Minecraft.) I'm not sure whether this transfers outside Minecraft or whether kids just won't find other things engaging, but at least it teaches them what it feels like to persevere at something difficult.
I should say that it's possible to play Minecraft without fully experiencing all of these benefits. Some kids will just focus on creative building or attacking monsters, all of which is good fun and they won't be able to avoid encountering some of what I've discussed in this article. To get the full benefit kids will need to explore commands, redstone and command blocks and may need some help getting going, setting goals or working out the details of more complex designs. But as a platform for developing computational thinking skills, Minecraft is fantastic.
Minecraft is increasingly being used in education, either as a cross-curricula platform or to teach coding. But as a computer scientist myself, it's the development of computational thinking skills that I see as one of the key benefits of Minecraft.
I'm sure lots of future computing professionals will recognise that the hours they spent playing Minecraft helped to develop their skills. And it's not just those who work in computing, the skillset is applicable to much of modern life.

/fa-fire/ MONTH TRENDING$type=list
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- robot wars
- roboticals
- robotics
- robots
- role models
- role play
- romo
- romotive
- root
- rover
- safety
- sam labs
- samuel morse
- sandbox
- schools
- science
- scratch
- scratchjr
- screen time
- screenless
- screens
- sensors
- servos
- simbrix
- skills
- skylanders
- skylanders superchargers
- skylanders swap force
- smart pens
- smartphone
- smartwatch
- snap circuits
- social media
- solar power
- soldering
- sonic pi
- sony koov
- sound
- space
- sparki
- speaker
- speech sythesis
- sphero
- sphero mini
- spider
- star wars
- stars
- stem
- stikbot
- stop motion
- stop motion studio
- storage
- story
- strawbees
- students
- subscription
- subscriptions
- sugru
- summer
- swift
- tablet
- tablets
- tangible coding
- tech
- tech age
- tech craft
- tech is bad
- tech is good
- tech toys
- tech will save us
- technology
- technology will save us
- teens
- teknikio
- tekno
- teksta
- tenka labs
- tesla
- textiles
- thames & kosmos
- the extraordinaires
- tim berners lee
- tinkercad
- tinybop
- toddlers
- toot-toot
- top pick
- touch
- toy
- toys
- travelling
- TV
- tween
- tweens
- tynker
- typing
- ux
- vehicles
- videos
- view-master
- views
- virtual reality
- voice assistants
- voice recognition
- vr
- vtech
- web
- websites
- wifi
- wii
- wii u
- windows 8
- wonder workshop
- wowwee
- writing
- writing. education
- xbox one
- xyzprinting